11) Ali. A., (2020) Plant functional traits, species’ functional strategies, and ecosystem functioning. Invited talk at University of Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Hosted by Prof Dr. Zia-ur-Rehman Mashwani, Faculty of Science, Department of Botany. 13 March 2020.
10) Ali. A., (2020) Conducted workshop on R and functional trait survey. Hosted by Prof Dr. Shujaul Mulk Khan, Faculty of Biological Science, Department of Plant Sciences. 8 March – 12 March 2020.
9) Ali. A., (2020) Plant diversity and ecosystem functioning in a changing environment. Invited talk at Quaid-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan. Hosted by Prof Dr. Shujaul Mulk Khan, Faculty of Biological Science, Department of Plant Sciences. 25 Feb 2020.
8) Ali. A*., Sanaei, A., Li, M., Asadi, O., Javanmiri Pour, M., Valipour, A., Karami, J., Aminpour, M., Kaboli, H. & Askari, Y. (2019) Big-trees – energy mechanism underlies forest diversity and aboveground biomass. Celebrating Global Ecology. 2019 Annual Meeting of British Ecological Society, Belfast, UK.
7) Ali, A. (2019) Biodiversity and the functioning of natural and managed plant ecosystems in a changing environment. Invited lecture at Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen institute (TBSI). TBSI Greater Bay Area Intellectual Forum, Lecture 97 available at http://www.tbsi.edu.cn/en/index.php?s=/cms/527.html
6) Ali, A., Lin, S.L., He, J.K., Kong, F.M., Yu, J.H. & Jiang, H.S. (2018) Tree Functional diversity increases aboveground biomass via increasing tree crown complementarity in tropical forests of Hainan Island, Southern China. sciencesconf.org:sfecologie2018:208615. (oral presentation in International Conference on Ecological Sciences, Rennes, France)
5) Ali. A. (2017) Represented East China Normal University as the main organizer or student in charge in The 15th Challenge Cup Carnival on Technological Innovation of Overseas Students in China. Biodiversity and the functioning of forests in Eastern China.
4) Ali, A. & Yan, E.R. (2016) Stand structural diversity rather than species diversity enhances aboveground carbon storage in secondary subtropical forests in Eastern China. 2016 2nd graduate students’ forum (Guang Hua forum) held at School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University. Available at http://www.sees.ecnu.edu.cn/index.php?classid=7345&newsid=10911&t=show (First presentation on 18th December, 2016)
3) Ali, A., Yan, E.R., Xu, M.S., Zhao, Y.T. & Zhou, L.L. (2015) Functional dominance and divergence predict carbon stocks in subtropical forests: Testing the mass ratio and niche complementarity hypotheses. 64th International symposium on ecology held at East China Normal University, Shanghai (Research Poster on 26th Sep, 2015). Available at http://www.sees.ecnu.edu.cn/index.php?classid=7345&newsid=10609&t=show
2) Ali, A. (2014) Deforestation: a key ecological issue. The Express Tribune, opinion letter no. 697344. Available at http://tribune.com.pk/story/697344/deforestation-a-key-ecological-issue/
1) Ali, A., Yan, E.R. & Yang. X.D. (2013) Effects of stand structural diversity on carbon stocks in the subtropical forests of eastern China. 2013 national conference of Ecological Society of China (held at Nanchang China). Available at http://www.planta.cn/forum/files_planta/oeparagraphae__104.pdf (Page 26, Poster no. P38)