Restore Pakistan’s forests to prevent floods
Prof. Dr. Arshad Ali published Opinion/ Letter Article in the world’s prestigious journal Science (IF > 63)
Prof. Dr. Arshad Ali published Opinion/ Letter Article in the world’s prestigious journal Science (IF > 63)
Dr. Umar published 3 papers in Q1 journals and successfully completed the postdoc requirements at Forest Ecology Research Group, led by Prof. Dr. Arshad Ali at the College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, China.
Anvar Sanaei, Emma J. Sayer, Zuoqiang Yuan, Hugo Saiz,Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo,Majid Sadeghinia, Parvaneh Ashouri, Sahar Ghafari, Hasan Kaboli, Mansoureh Kargar, Eric W. Seabloom, Arshad Ali
This is a plain language summary of a Functional Ecology research article which can be found here.
Special Issue “Forest Diversity, Structure and Functions: Theories, Concepts and Analyses”
Ali, A., ed. (2023). Plant diversity and biomass dynamics under environmental variation. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-83252-078-9
Abbasi et al. conducted a study on Pakistan’s #temperate #forests near Mount #K2 and found that as the stand stature increases, the positive effects of tree richness and structural imbalance on aboveground #biomass decrease, despite the ubiquitous positive role of stand density.